As part of their inspections to find areas that may need repair, the City of Superior's Environmental Services Division will be "smoke testing" sewers in part of the city starting in September.  The testing will occur in Aldermanic District 1 and 3.

During the testing, a non-toxic, low pressure smoke will be fed into the sewer system.  Home owners do not need to be present for the testing.  In theory, the majority of homes in the area will not detect any of the smoke in their dwelling - unless there is a problem.  Additionally, homeowners are asked to make sure that all drains - especially those that are used infrequently - have water in their "P"-traps.  If property owners do detect the smoke in their home, they're asked to contact the city by calling (715) 394-0392.

In advance of the testing, the city will be placing door hanger cards on homes included in the testing area.  In addition, letters have been sent in the mail to those homes.

Specifically, the area that is included in the smoke testing project includes the area between North 28th Street and North 37th Street, and between Ogden Avenue and Cumming Avenue. Check out the map included in this story for the marked boundaries.

Click here for information about the smoke testing project on the city's website.  They are also providing an informational brochure that is available by clicking here.

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