Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Celebrates Completion Of Belknap Street Project
The work is finished and now it's time to celebrate how nice it looks! The City of Superior, the Superior Chamber of Commerce, and the Superior Business Improvement District are holding a joint ribbon cutting ceremony to formally recognize the completion of the multi-year road project. Everyone is invited to the ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for Tuesday, June 18 - 11:30 AM at the intersection of Hill Avenue and Belknap Street.
Belknap Street - also known as U.S. Highway 2 - was revamped in multiple parts over the last few summers. The work represented the first rebuilding of the roadway in generations - from the service pipes and work underneath to the concrete up above. The scope of the project also integrated many safety improvements and creature-comforts. Cut-down-curbs, signage, benches, turning lanes, and greenery were added to make the arterial roadway a showcase for the city. Design features were also included to help tie the look and feel of Belknap Street to match the construction and redesign that occurred a few years earlier on Tower Avenue.
Following the ribbon cutting, a picnic-style lunch will be served. RSVP's are encouraged at 715-395-7212.