Mesaba Avenue Closure In Duluth Happens October 14-15
A temporary closure of one of Duluth's main arterial roadways will have impacts to drivers near the I-35 corridor. Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are alerting drivers to the closure coming October 14 and October 15 to Mesaba Avenue.
According to the details released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, work crews will close Mesaba Avenue from West First Street to southbound I-35. On paper, the closure will last two days - October 14 and October 15. However, the true impacts of the closure will only affect drivers between 8:00 PM on Thursday, October 14 until 6:00 AM on Friday, October 15.
The closure of Mesaba Avenue in this area is tied to the general work happening on I-35 and the Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) project. MNDOT reports that the closure is needed for the installation of precast concrete barriers that will "place traffic in one lane before merging onto I-35". All of this set-up work is needed as road crews get ready to enter the winter season and the next phase of the work on the Twin Ports Interchange.
A detour will be in place for drivers who need to access the freeway in that area during the closure. Traffic will be detoured from West First Street to 6th Avenue West onto Michigan Street and then to Fifth Avenue West and then onto southbound I-35.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation offers a wealth of traffic related information on their website - especially in regards to the Twin Ports Interchange/I-35 road work in Duluth. Click here for more details.
MNDOT is also inviting people to follow along on their special social media page that's devoted to the North-East area of the state. Click here to learn more.