Wisconsin Democratic Senator Janet Bewley Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit
A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Democratic Senator Janet Bewley - the Wisconsin Senator involved in a car crash this summer that resulted in the death of a Pennsylvania woman and her 5-year old child.
The crash occurred on July 22 in Ashland.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports on the details of the crash scene:
"Bewley...pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance...and into the path of a car driven by 27-year old [Alyssa] Ortman of Pennsylvania.... When Ortman's car collided with Bewley's, it spun across Highway 2 and was hit by another vehicle driven by Jodi Munson of Washburn."
When the authorities responded to the incident, Ortman's 5-year old daughter was pronounced dead on the scene; Ortman herself was taken to a hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. Bewley was "not seriously injured" in the crash.
While Bewley's office has no comment on the lawsuit at this time, earlier news stories have reported on her actions that day that could have played a role in the fatal crash. Those news reports details that "...Bewley was on her cell phone at the time of the crash and she had also had a medical procedure the day before":
"...[An intern with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] was on the phone with Bewley the day of the crash, and the senator said she had cataract eye surgery the day before. Bewley, the paper claimed, abruptly stopped speaking during the phone call and, when asked if she was okay, said: 'Yeah, I'm okay. This is not a good accident'."
In the days and weeks after the car crash, the Ashland Police Department and the Wisconsin State Patrol investigated the accident. That investigation involved a recreation of the accident scene.
The wrongful death lawsuit against Senator Janet Bewley was filed by Brandon Fink, the father of 5-year old Khaleesi Fink, who had been riding with her mother and died at the scene of the crash. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that "[t]he lawsuit names [Democratic State Minority Leader Janet] Bewley, a Washburn woman who also was involved in the crash, and three insurance companies as defendants".