UWS Plans 26th Annual Trick-Or-Treat Event On October 31
The event started as a way to fill a void in the community and now - 26 years later - it's become a tradition. Students at the University of Wisconsin-Superior are inviting the general public - especially young kids - to trick-or-treat at the residence halls. Students in Ross-Hawkes Hall, Crownhart Hall, Curran-McNeill Hall, and Ostrander Hall along Catlin Avenue will decorate their hallways and be ready to hand out treats as children through 6th grade are guided by a Residence Hall staff member - Thursday, October 31, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Meanwhile, The Link at Ross-Hawkes Hall will host carnival activities for the children. Kid-friendly arts, crafts, and face painting will be featured at Crownhart Hall. The basement of Curran-McNeill-Ostrander Halls will include a Haunted House for children 12 and older - or with parent consent. Candy will still be handed out in each of the buildings independent of these special events.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Parents can utilize free parking in the university lots near the residence halls.
Each year, more than 1,000 children trick-or-treat at UWS's residence halls. The event was started to give kids a safe, indoor place to collect treats, after similar community events stopped happening.