The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music, From Duluth to Proctor And Superior! [PHOTO]
Summer is way to short for us in the northland, so enjoy our great outdoor music events!
Both sides of the Bridge had great music out doors for us to enjoy this weekend, First stop was at the Derailed Bar in Proctor, great food and drinks and the band "Traction". Traction is a classic rock band, with great guitar solo's, tight rock sets and you need to check them out.
Off to the next stop for our Friday night live music!
Hopping the Bridge to Superior and Jack's is our next venue. Jack's has a GREAT out door area for music. Great drinks once again. John and Andy were Playing and as they always do put on a great show, playing request people shout out and getting people to dance. They are truly great talented people with passion for music, proud to be about to call them friends.
Saturday we set off for a fun outdoor event again this time at Grump's in east end Superior and Tempted fate, Great show once again, and even some Crazy rock and roll chicks crashed the stage lol. everyone there had a blast! It is great to see bands change up and add new songs to there set list to keep things fresh. Red and the boys did not disappoint.
I am a very big supporter on live local music in our area and we are in no shortage of great talent! There was a ton of live outdoor gigs this weekend!
So get out and live, make some memories and take in the music!
Rock on! - Ron