We all know Summer is construction season, but when it happens at the airport the real headaches begin, just ask passengers at MPLS/St. Paul INternational Airport.
I sit on the board of the Northern Lights Foundation and was recently asked to appear in an in-house video for United Piping Inc. to talk about their involvement with our organization. I was excited when I received a call to also narrate the video and others and thought you'd like to see how that works so the next time you're listening to a narrated video you can picture this.
The corner of Arlington Avenue and Central Entrance has become ground-central for development in the Twin Ports! Just a few months ago, there were three gas stations at that intersection. Now, it appears that it will look entirely different soon.
As work continues forward on the new Duluth Transportation Center (DTC) project, officials with the city are alerting downtown Skywalk users about an upcoming closure.
It appears that work has finally started on the Kwik Trip store that's coming to the corner of 28th and Tower in Superior. Construction fencing went up on Tuesday, April 22.
With all the Summer construction going on in Duluth, people forget the huge upheaval going on in Superior, especially on Tower Avenue. Some of the businesses realize the updates need to be done, but it is making a dent and sometimes hole in their business.
Road closures are starting in the northland. You know what they say, there are 3 seasons in Duluth, Winter, Summer (two weeks) and construction. This release for First street includes a map, and may not take place if the weather doesn't permit.