So today I was battling a fly in my Blazer on the way to work and I am sure you are questioning who won?

The battle started just as I was backing out of my driveway, he was diving at the side window, bashing again and again, so I start to open the window and the little bugger went to the other side! So down with the passenger window……..back to my side and lands on the top of the window edge with freedom in front of his eyes of plenty,  chooses to fly to the bottom of the window!

Argh! “Get out” I demand, he did not listen, and flies back to the top of the window to perched on the edge of freedom once again, “out” I say again, and I roll the widow down as Steve (yes I named the little bugger) rides the window down all the way till the window disappears, now up goes the window and yep Steve is still in the same spot. So I crushed him with a news paper! I win!

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