Although original reports has the Oliver Bridge set to resume the summer daily closure schedule on Monday, April 17 - it appears that that start date has been revised slightly.  According to the flashing data sign that signals drivers on the approach to both sides of the bridge, the start date is now Monday, April 24.

It was a long year for many drivers as the Oliver Bridge saw daily closures from April far into November in 2016.  Now as promised, the closures will return for this summer - although officials are promising a little shorter schedule of work.

Their plans are for the bridge to be closed between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  At this point, authorities are suggesting that the work and the closures will end at some point in September.

Similar to 2016, this summer will also day deviations from the schedule to accommodate holidays and special events. According to the official release, here are those deviations:

  • May 26:  The bridge will open at 12 Noon for Memorial Day
  • May 29:  The bridge will be open all day long for the Memorial Day holiday
  • June 16:  The bridge will open at 12 Noon for Grandma's Marathon
  • July 3:  The bridge will open at 12 Noon for the July 4th holiday
  • July 4:  The Bridge will be open all day long for the July 4th holiday
  • August 10:  The bridge will open at 12 Noon for the Blues Festival
  • August 11:  The bridge will be open all day long for the Blues Festival
  • September 1:  The bridge will open at 12 Noon for Labor Day
  • September 4:  The bridge will be open all day long for Labor Day
  • September 15: The bridge will open at 12 Noon for the Inline Marathon



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