MNDOT + State Patrol Look To Draft Weight Enforcement Investment Plan
Rail may have come first, air may have advanced it in the last century, and E-commerce may be quickly playing a larger role - but you can't negate the importance that over-the-road freight hauling has played in our economy. Even as some of these other forms of hauling and delivery have changed throughout the years, commercial truck traffic continues to grow with each year; in fact - projections made by the Minnesota Department of Transportation look for a 10% increase in commercial truck traffic on the states' highways buy 2028.
It's because of some of these factors that MNDOT is putting together a plan to improve the state's commercial truck weight enforcement facilities. Ahead of that plan, MNDOT is looking for public input and feedback.
According to Julie Whitcher - MNDOT's Weigh Station Program Manager:
"This plan [will] identif[y] improvements to buildings, equipment, and technology to meet Minnesota's growing need for fast, efficient commercial truck inspections. Those improvements will help MNDOT and the State Patrol meet the state's goals of keeping Minnesota motorists safe, while protecting our road and bridge investments from potential damage by overweight loads."
You can make your voice heard in a number of different ways:
Attend an Open House hosted by MNDOT and the Minnesota State Patrol on Monday, January 6 at the MNDOT Central Office (395 John Ireland Boulevard, St. Paul) from 12 Noon to 2:00 PM.
Visit the Minnesota Weight Enforcement Investment Plan website. The website includes an electronic copy of the draft plan, a video presentation, contacts to submit comments, and other information. Click here to visit the website.
View an interactive presentation on the plan as well as the statewide importance of truck safety. Click here.