I-35 Lane Closures Near Lake Avenue Happen May 11-13
A quick road project related to the work on the Lake Avenue Bridge will bring lane closures May 11 through May 13. According to advance information released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the scope of the project includes expansion joint removals from the bridge.
Traffic impacts for this project will see the left lane on both northbound and southbound I-35 closed under the Lake Avenue Bridge. Drivers will be alerted to the closures with a variety of signs and traffic barriers.
Work on the Lake Avenue Bridge is one of a few major projects going on in the downtown area this summer. Other projects include the third year of the Superior Street project as well as the Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) project.
For the time being - as the COVID-19 Pandemic response is in place, MNDOT is working hard to adhere to Governor Tim Walz's Stay at Home executive order. Road work has been identified as a Critical Service by the state and will continue on.
Here are some important reminders from MNDOT about safety in regards to this specific project as well as any of the projects you might encounter this summer:
- Slow down when approaching a work zone
- Use caution when navigating through the marked-off work area
- Stay alert - work zones constantly change
- Watch for workers and slow moving equipment
- Obey the posted speed limits. Fine for a violation in a work zone is $300
- Minimize distractions behind the wheel
- Be patient
- Expect delays - especially during peak travel times
For more information about this specific project or any of the scheduled road work across the state, click here to visit the Minnesota Department of Transportation's online project page.
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