Garfield Avenue Intersection Closures June 29 + 30 In Duluth
The main route on and off the Blatnik Bridge on the Minnesota side in Duluth will see intersection closures that will bring major traffic impacts to drivers for two days this week. The expected impacts are so large that the Minnesota Department of Transportation is suggesting that drivers try to utilize the Bong Bridge instead for the two day stretch.
According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, a temporary traffic signal install will happen at the intersection of Garfield Avenue and Helberg Drive on June 29 and June 30. That traffic signal is being put in place as part of the larger Twin Ports Interchange Project.
Here are the details about what delays and closures to expect on each of the timeline dates:
- Wednesday June 29: Garfield Avenue traffic will be restricted to a single lane in each direction near Helberg Drive. This lane restriction will occur between the hours of 9:00 Am and 3:00 PM. Work on this date will primarily be advance site prep for the actual traffic signal installation.
- Thursday June 30: There will be a full and complete closure of the Garfield Avenue and Helberg Drive intersection. This closure will start at 9:00 AM and is expected to last about 15 minutes. The closure is needed in order to allow MNDOT work crews the ability to install the necessary overhead wire needed for the signal.
Due to the current configuration and traffic patterns created by the Twin Ports Interchange, this particular stretch of roadway has seen an increase in traffic. Because of this, the agency anticipates there to be impacts to many people.