‘Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over’ Campaign Rolls Through Labor Day Weekend
Many people look to Labor Day as the "final hurrah" for the summer season - planning celebrations and get-togethers to maximize the long weekend. For many, those celebrations include alcoholic beverages. The high-profile weekend provided law enforcement officials the chance to spotlight vehicle safety when it comes to drinking and driving.
That's the push behind the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" - a national campaign organized by state and local law enforcement officials to crack down on drunk driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 10,000 Americans die each year from drunk driving-related accidents. Do the math and that's about 29 people a day - or one death every 50 minutes.
Before you get to the celebration and before you consume your first alcoholic beverage, have a plan. Make sure someone is designated as the driver for the evening. If you have consumed alcohol, don't get behind the wheel of the vehicle. Never drink and drive. And - with today's technology, it's important to also point out that you should put the cell phone down and never text and drive.
For more drivers safety tips, click here to visit DriversEd.com. The CDC also provides important details - as does the U.S. Department of Transportation.