Superior Street Reconstruction Near Lester River Planned For 2019
While the project to reconstruct Superior Street plugs along in downtown Duluth, plans are underway to rebuild a portion of the street out east. The St. Louis County Public Works Department is scheduling a project for that portion of Superior Street that crosses over the Lester River for the summer of 2019.
In order to communicate their plans to the general public, a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 29 - starting at 6:00 PM at the Portman Park Community Center - located at 46-1 McCulloch Street. During the meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the plans, ask questions, and submit their opinions.
The actual work will be performed in 2019, with reconstruction of the blocks of 60th Avenue and 61st Avenue East - where they intersect with Superior Street. The work will include the bridge that crosses Lester River. In addition, the pedestrian walkways will see improvements. During the work, the road will be closed to through traffic with a detour to Highway 61.
One item that arose early on is the use of Superior Street in that area by Grandma's Marathon early in the summer and then later on by the North Shore Inline Marathon. Officials with St. Louis County have announced that work will be timed to start after Grandma's Marathon and finish in time for the North Shore Inline Marathon.
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