City Of Superior Schedules Brush Cleanup – April 27 – June 1
As the snow melts, the resulting mess below comes into full sight. Part of that mess includes fallen or trimmed tree branches. To make the cleanup of those brush piles a little easier, the City of Superior offers an annual Brush Cleanup. This years (2020) cleanup will run April 27 through June 1 - with neighborhood-specific pickup dates; click here for the full schedule.
It's worth noting that the schedule has been altered from how it's been run in years past. Typically brush pick up begins in the north end of the city, however this schedule has been shifted so that north end brush piles will be picked up last this year. According to the City of Superior, the schedule will continue to shift each year to provide complete coverage.
Residents are requested to have their brush neatly piled, at the site of their normal garbage pick up, by 7:00 AM on the date of the scheduled date for their neighborhood. While they will collect the brush and haul it away, there are regulations and stipulations to follow. In general there are limits to the length and diameter of branches, the amount of time that the crew will spend at a site, etc. Click here to see the complete list of regulations.

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