Wisconsin Point Boat + Kayak Launch Closes Temporarily
As the rehabilitation project out on Wisconsin Point continues, there have been a variety of necessary closures - some due to construction-work and some to allow vegetation to regrow and not be disturbed. Add one more closure to the list; the City of Superior has temporarily closed the boat and kayak launch site.
According to information released by the City of Superior, the closure falls in to the "vegetation" camp; the move will allow what's been planted in the area the chance to take hold and make sure that it continues to grow.
While the boat and kayak launch area are closed at Wisconsin Point, city officials are directing people to utilize the next-closest site - the Loon's Foot Landing - for their water access to that part of the bay. There are also a wide variety of other boat and kayak launches available in other parts of the city; the cities website offers a complete list.