Wisconsin Named One Of The Best States For Single People
This is great news just in time for Valentine's Day! Wisconsin was just named one of the best states for single people.
WalletHub released a new study just in time for the holiday of love, listing this year's best and worst states for singles.
Wisconsin fared really well, coming in as the eighth best state to be a single. Other states that did well include California, Texas and New York with Florida taking the top spot.
Minnesota didn't do as well as Wisconsin but they still did okay, being named the sixteenth best state to be single in.
So how did they come to the conclusions of this study? They looked at factors like gender balance of singles, most online-dating and mobile-dating opportunities, restaurants and movie theaters per capita, crime rates and more.
If you're single and ready to mingle, it's probably best to avoid states like Wyoming, New Mexico, North Dakota and Arkansas, as they are some of the worst states for singles. The absolute worst state for singles? West Virginia.
If you have a lover and need help picking out some Valentine's Day candy, we can help you narrow it down, thanks to another recent study that was just released in time for the happy holiday.

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