WI Highway 105 Pokegama River Bridge Replacement Project Starts
Alert drivers may have noticed signs of road construction on Highway 105 - on the route that leads from Superior towards the Oliver Bridge and eventually Minnesota. Road crews assembled near the Pokegama River crossing without much fanfare over the last two weeks.
The work zone is part of the project to replace the Pokegama River Bridge this summer. The bridge exists immediately to the east of the driveway to Calvary Cemetery.
There was little to no advance information released for this project. Careful drivers might have noticed some marking flags in the ditch to the south of Highway 105 , more than likely designating project/land boundaries or utilities. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation's website has started to show details on the road work in their "Weekly Updates" section, but - as of this writing - there isn't a specific project page for it.
Piecing together the information provided, it appears that they are replacing the Pokegama River Bridge this summer - a $2.1 million project that is expected to last until September. WISDOT's website doesn't detail this, but it appears that crews are building a "shoofly" (or bypass route) to the south of the existing bridge. A large amount of dirt has been hauled in to build a temporary roadway that deviates off of Highway 105 - and it appears that they'll be installing a temporary bridge of some sort to allow vehicles to cross - while they remove and replace the existing bridge.
From the details available, it doesn't appear that there will be traffic impacts. The weekly update information shares that flaggers will be on-site to control traffic to allow trucks to get in and out of the project work area.