Tips For Maintaining A Backyard Swimming Pool
Considering how cold it gets here in the winter and how short our summers are, it may come as a surprise that there are a lot of people who have backyard swimming pools in the Northland. The reason for the influx is probably the reduction in price for a lot of these above-ground pools.
Buying a backyard swimming pool and setting it up is just the first step. In reality, a backyard swimming pool is a summer-long commitment to daily maintenance to make sure that it stays in top shape and that the water stays an enjoyable crystal-clear. (Because, really - who wants to swim in anything else?)
While daily pool maintenance is a commitment, it isn't rocket-science either. In general, you'll need to maintain the balance of chemicals in the swimming pool to assure good results. Most days, your routine would look something like this:
- Check the pump and the filter for proper operation.
- Clean or change the pool filter as needed.
- Scoop out any vegetation that may have entered the pool water (leaves, grass clippings, etc).
- Test the chemical levels in the pool water.
- Adjust the chemical levels in the pool water.
- Run the filter pump to cycle the water through it to both remove particulates and mix any chemicals you may have added to the pool.
Any pool maintenance is easier when you have the proper tools and supplies. Here's what you'll need: