Boaters, Give Loons A Wide Berth & Watch Out For Their Chicks
I recently ran across a post on Facebook that was discussing a particular case where a chick loon had been separated from it's parents. The rehabilitation center did everything they could, and were even able to reunite it with the parent loons before sadly finding out that the loon didn't survive after all. That's really sad. I did learn a few things from the post that I thought were worth sharing about loons.

First off, this time of year is when loons have their chicks. They usually have 1 or 2 this time of year, and you are urged to be on the lookout for them. They may be hard to see because of waves and how small they are. They would be in the vicinity of their parents, so you are asked to give loons a wide berth whether you are in a boat, kayak, canoe, or even swimming.
If you are boating too close to loons, you may accidentally run over their chicks. Also, pay attention to no wake zones, and do your best to be as respectful to any wildlife. Really, on water or on land you should five wildlife their space.
Sadly, this chick died after a long exhausting effort by staff to save it's life. It's heartbreaking and hats off to those people who volunteer their time to help out our furry friends. Please, next time you see a loon give it the space it needs. If you see anyone harassing birds or other wildlife, contact the MN DNR.
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