2021 has been quite a year - especially here in the Northland.  Besides an ongoing pandemic, we've also battled record drought conditions locally - with our region way behind on average rainfall amounts.

That lack of rain and water has caused problems for a lot of people in many different ways.  Farmers have dealt with poor crops and inferior feeding conditions.  Loggers have had restrictions placed on their operations.  The shipping industry has seen lower water levels and cargo limits.

Even if you don't work in an industry or trade that has had problems caused by the drought in the Northland, you still have been impacted.  Many homeowners have had issued linked to the record drought.

One noticeable problem caused by the drought has been the effect it's had on lawns and landscaping.  Many homeowners in the Arrowhead have lost trees or shrubs and almost everyone has experienced a brown lawn this summer.


It's that brown grass and the effect that the drought has had on our lawns that has many people wondering what they can do now - this fall - to help ensure a green yard come next spring.  The good news - there are things we can be doing to help out.  It's just a matter of knowing what to do and what's needed before the snow starts to fly.

In general, don't panic.  Chances are - even without any help - our lawns will come back and be not any worse for wear this upcoming spring.  You'd be surprised how resilient grass (and trees and shrubbery for that matter) can be.

But there are a few things we can be doing right now to help ensure success come next spring.  Read on for helpful tips and suggestions.

How To Get Your Lawn Ready For Fall

You keep up with it all summer long; the watering, the seeding, fertilizing, mowing, raking - it seems like a never ending chore that's thankless at its core. Maybe that's why at the first sign of colored leaves on the trees and falling temperatures, many quickly give up the task of lawn care.

And who could blame those who abandon lawn care right after Labor Day and the start of school; cutting the grass isn't really fun to begin with and those extra steps needed to ensure a green and lush lawn (fertilizer, thatching) are just more work than many care to put in.

But totally ignoring your lawn during the fall isn't the best choice of action - especially if you want a nice looking one come spring.

Thankfully, fall lawn care isn't all that much different from what you've been doing all summer long. Here are some good tips to get your lawn ready for to hibernate during winter and press back into shape once springtime rolls around.

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