This promotion may end up being a one time only thing, and the store admits that, as they are set to collect used underwear in exchange for a new pair.
There are very few things in this life worth going to prison for -- getting caught stealing a bunch of fancy underpants and then hissing and spitting like a wild-eyed alley cat in a desperate attempt to claw your way out of trouble definitely falls into that category.
We know the complaints, but generally speaking, owning a voluptuous chest is a big life advantage. Not so much for Lauren Odes of New Jersey — The 29-year-old claims she was fired from her job because she was too hot and her boobs were too large. And, get this, she worked in a lingerie store.
We’ll take ‘Stories We Never Thought We’d Post’ for $1,000, Alex. Recently a pair of what are rumored to be Queen Elizabeth’s royal panties went up for auction on eBay. A mystery buyer has now purchased them and become the proud owner of the used skivvies.