
Sixth Grader Disappointed School Guest Was Obama And Not Beyonce
Sixth Grader Disappointed School Guest Was Obama And Not Beyonce
Sixth Grader Disappointed School Guest Was Obama And Not Beyonce
It was Lyndon Johnson who said that "when you lose Walter Cronkite" you've lost the nation".  A close look at recent poll numbers and the reaction he got from a recent school visit might have Barack Obama revising that statement to read "when you lose a 6th grader in Washington D.C. you've lost the nation".
IRS Follows You On The Internet
IRS Follows You On The Internet
IRS Follows You On The Internet
Here's something to think about before you go online and before the upcoming April 15th tax deadline:  The Internal Revenue System has gone high-tech in the digital age, tracking your movements online in an effort to snuff out tax evaders.
Want-To-Be Catholic Joe Biden To Lead U.S. Delegation To Vatican
Want-To-Be Catholic Joe Biden To Lead U.S. Delegation To Vatican
Want-To-Be Catholic Joe Biden To Lead U.S. Delegation To Vatican
Vice President Joe Biden will lead the delegation from the United States that is traveling to Vatican City for the installation of Pope Francis on Tuesday.  As a "self-proclaimed Catholic", the Obama administration probably thought he would be the logical choice. However, this latest news leaves many Catholic leaders scratching their heads - again.

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