
Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
Take a Tour Inside Jeffery Dahmer’s House That’s Up For Sale [VIDEO]
As the old saying goes, "there's an ass for every chair." Someone will be the proud owner of the house that witnessed Jeffery Dahmer's first killing. When an interviewer asked why the house is up for the sale, a realtor replied " there are not enough homes on the market, and after all, the house didn't do anything." He did admit it might take awhile for the house to sell. Read
After A 50 Year Decline, Household Size Grows
After A 50 Year Decline, Household Size Grows
After A 50 Year Decline, Household Size Grows
Hi June, I'm home dear.  Where's Wally and Beaver? A half-century slide in the number of people living under one roof has ended and has even reversed in some places, according to 2010 Census data released today.