
Use The Correct Coconut Oil In Your Coffee, I Was Drinking Shortening [VIDEO]
Use The Correct Coconut Oil In Your Coffee, I Was Drinking Shortening [VIDEO]
Use The Correct Coconut Oil In Your Coffee, I Was Drinking Shortening [VIDEO]
My friend Gary had told me that he was putting coconut oil in his coffee as a way to lose weight.  It sounded yummy and who isn't looking to lose a few pounds so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I guess I should have asked some additional questions before I jumped right in, apparently there is a difference between coconut oil and the way it's processed.
Coffee Has Many Healing Properties For Your Aches And Pains
Coffee Has Many Healing Properties For Your Aches And Pains
Coffee Has Many Healing Properties For Your Aches And Pains
Having coffee in the morning can help you for the rest of the day, not just the jolt of waking up when you have breakfast. According to the Daily Mail Scientists found volunteers who undertook 90-minutes of intensive screen-based work without a break suffered fewer aches and pains in their neck, shoulders, arms and wrists if they downed a coffee before getting to the office.

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