
Win Cash is Back!
What would you do with $10,000? Would you save it? Spend it on something fun like a fancy vacation? Maybe you would spend it on something practical, like a home renovation. Start planning because we're giving away cash all this month!
Overwhelming Majority of  U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
Overwhelming Majority of U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
Overwhelming Majority of U.S Workers Prefer a Cash Bonus Over an Office Party This Holiday Season
No, I'm, not doing the bah humbug thing, it's right here in black and white. According to a survey by Harris Interactive, The Consumerist reports 2,059 adults responded to the survey asking (if given a choice), would they prefer an office party,  a cash bonus, or other perks, from their employer this holiday season.
Unemployed Man Finds $150K in Vegetable Garden
Unemployed Man Finds $150K in Vegetable Garden
Unemployed Man Finds $150K in Vegetable Garden
Here is how the cheesy late-90′s stand-up comic buried deep in our subconscious would report this story: “Hey folks! Did you read the story in the Northwest Herald today about a guy in Illinois that found $150K in his backyard garden? Talk about growing some cabbage! Am I right folks? Those are a different kind of greens my friends! You hear what I’m saying everyone?!?”
Airlines Refuse Cash
Airlines Refuse Cash
Airlines Refuse Cash
This is the kind of story that gets me upset.  It's bad enough that a lot of businesses won't accept a personal check anymore.  (...Don't get me started on that topic...)  But now it appears that the airline industry no longer recognizes U...
Financial Infidelity: Catching A Cheating Spouse
Financial Infidelity: Catching A Cheating Spouse
Financial Infidelity: Catching A Cheating Spouse
I'll tell you a story. When i lived in Boston, I knew of many women who could tell you where her husband worked but couldn't tell you how much he made. She never saw his paycheck. That type of mentality has vanished.. or has it?   ...

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