Superior Fire Department Hosts Toy Drive
Similar to what they've done in past years, the fire department has joined forces with their community partners - the Salvation Army and Toys For Toys - to make sure no one goes without this holiday season. The toy drive runs now through December 7.
Individuals looking to take part are asked to purchase a new toy for donation. Then, the toys can be dropped off at one of the convenient locations throughout Superior:
Superior Fire Department Headquarters: 3326 Tower Avenue - between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Toys should be placed in the box located in the front lobby, which faces Tower Avenue.
- YMCA: 9 N 21st Street
- Walgreens: on Tower Avenue
- Indianhead Credit Union: 1225 Tower Avenue, Suite #102
- Salvation Army: 916 Hughitt Avenue
Additionally, the organizers point out that if you buy the toys you want to donate at Menards in Superior, there is a drop off box located near the cash registers marled "Salvation Army". This makes a convenient drop off spot for those customers,

There is also an online option. The Salvation Army has set up an online registry through Walmart - entitled "Superior Angel Tree". Click here to directly visit that site.
You can also contribute money. Checks may be made payable to "SFD Toys For Tots".
The Superior Fire Department has a long history of helping out our community. The toy collection and distribution dates back to 1904.
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