Superior 4th of July Committee Seeks Parade Entries
Okay - so the 4th of July festivities are on for Superior. And, Mayor Jim Paine promises a bigger event than usual since most of the activities that usually happen on that date in Superior were cancelled last year due to the pandemic. That brings organizers of the fun some dilemmas to solve as they get ready for the celebration.
One of those dilemmas is finding entrants for the annual 4th of July parade - historically one of the larger ones in the area. It appears that the pandemic and last years cancellation has left some confused. According to an article in the Superior Telegram, entrants for this years (2021) 4th of July parade are slow; to date, they've only received about 25 entries which is a far cry from years past.
Frances Stannard who sits on Superior's Citizens 4th of July Comittee shared that she "...wonder(s) if people just don't know it's happening this year." And that number comes even with some advance legwork; organizers had sent out invitations to various organizations and community groups to take part and enter a unit in the parade.
The Citizen's 4th of July Committee has been busy with their efforts to make this return-to-fun holiday celebration a good one. With last years' cancellation, the group lost out on the fundraising they typically do to prepare for the next. To make sure that there were advance funds to "prime the pump" for 2021, the "Festival Committee stepped up with a grant to help fund the parade."

People who are interested in taking part in this years parade are invited to check out the entry form that's available at superior4thjuly.com.