Social Media Challenge Aims To Help Dairy Farmers
If you've been to the dairy section of your favorite store lately, it's no secret that milk prices are pretty low. According to news sources, the price of a gallon of milk is the lowest its been in more than 4 years - leaving a lot of dairy farmers in a predicament; they depend upon steady prices to turn a profit.
A glut of milk (oversupply) is what's behind the extra-low prices. The reasons for the oversupply are complicated, but for sure more people are drinking less milk that ever before.
In order to do something - anything - to help out the farmers that feed the nation, A Wisconsin man is lobbying people to take the #10GallonChallenge. Using social media, the man is encouraging people to head to stores and buy ten gallons of milk - to donate to local food shelf's and agencies that help to feed those in need. Ty Higgins - the man who came up with the challenge - hopes that it will fill two needs: Help the farmers by using up the oversupply of milk and also feed those less fortunate.
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