Look For Census Invitations In The Mail
The U.S. Census Bureau said for people to start looking for the invitations to be mailed out to about 95 percent of the households between March 12th and the 20th.
According to the press release, some cities across America are hoping for 100 percent returns. You can respond by going online, or read and fill out the questionnaire. Officials are saying if you send them back, do not lick the envelope, moisten your finger with tap water and moisten the envelope.
The invitations will arrive in many different languages so that they may be filled out by people that aren't' fluent in English.
In the video below they talk about how households getting an invitation in the mail will most likely get a second letter in the mail shortly after reminding them to respond. Then, households that still haven’t responded will get reminders. If the person doesn't send anything back, then a census person will stop by for a visit.