Bentleyville Looking For Set Up Volunteers
The GDC is looking for volunteers to help with Bentleyville set-up on Wednesday, September 26th from 5-8pm.
You always know when fall is coming, and soon winter, when Bentleyville starts setting up. Bentleyville has become a major part of the City of Duluth and the Holiday celebration. In a way, it gave tourists and hockey fans a reason to stay the whole weekend in order to take in the city.
The legendary park is starting the setup process and it is a large undertaking, so the organizers are asking for your help. If you would like to help set up the iconic park, all you have to do is meet at Bayfront Park at 5 pm. You don't have to have any skills, they will assign you tasks and if you do have some skills, they will assign you tasks if you don't.
The GDC would like to know you are attending by emailing