Interesting article I read in Mens Health Magazine about how guys tend to fib a bit when it comes to revealing their height. I can't say I blame them. I blame it on today's culture. Good examples might be sports. The tallest ball player sinks the most baskets, the tallest football player catches the most passes, etc., and many athletes are rejected because they are too short. Music, or rock and roll is another good example. Many of the biggest singers in some of the biggest bands are tall. In the business world many agree that taller man commands attention. On and on it goes, so I can see why a shorter guy might stretch the truth about his height.

How about you? Do you exaggerate your height? You'll probably think, "what about yourself Rayman, do you tell people your taller than you really are?" No I  don't. I simply reply I'm the same height as Mick Jagger (which I really am), and that seems to end the conversation quite nicely. Now, if I could only get to Jagger's weight, I'd be golden.

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