Woman Who Returned $5,000 to Domino’s Gets Ultimate Thank-You
It's true: honesty is the best policy.
A San Jose woman who ordered Domino's mistakenly got a box filled with $5,000 and then promptly returned it -- only to be rewarded with a year's worth of free pizza.
While at the wireless store where she works, Selena Avalos recently ordered chicken wings, but was shocked to discover almost $5,000 set to go to a bank in the box, instead. She called Domino's to report what happened, but, surprisingly, no one called her back, so she reached out to local TV station KGO to help track down the franchise's owner and give the cash back because, as Avalos, explained, "I can't keep it. It's a crazy amount of money."
Doing the right thing paid off -- not in cash, of course -- for Avalos. For her efforts, she will receive the aforementioned free pizza for a year and, perhaps even better, her employer is giving her a week off with pay.
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