What Will The Can Of Worms Intersection Look Like After The Rebuild? [Video]
With all of the attention it's getting in the local media (deservedly-so), it would be hard to find someone who doesn't know that the "Can of Worms" intersection (Highway 53 & I-35) is in for a redesign by 2023. But how many of us know what the new intersection will actually look like?
Even though the Minnesota Department of Transportation has hosted multiple Open Houses and meetings to present the design ideas to the general public, many probably still have no idea what one of the busiest (and arguably most-complex) intersections will be like once it's rebuild is finished.
This online presentation solves that. Along with presenting a good overview of the project, it also offers maps and diagrams of the entire interchange along with a video of a simulation drive-through.
Probably the biggest take-away from the shared information is that once it's done, the (former) Can of Worms interchange will feature all right-side on and off-ramps. The design also "straightens" out southbound I-35 as it passes through the area.