Bong Bridge Ramp Closure Scheduled For May 3 On Hold
A scheduled ramp closure by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the Bong Bridge on Monday, May 3 had been put on hold for the time being. The scope of the work scheduled was supposed to conduct guardrail repairs along the closed area. The postponement notice came shortly after the initial information was released.
The closure would have occurred on Monday, May 3 during the daytime hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM - on the ramp from northbound I-35 to eastbound Highway 2 at the Bong Bridge. A detour was scheduled to be put in place that would have directed drivers around the closed ramp and the work area during the scheduled downtime hours. Eastbound HIighway 2 traffic was planned to be directed to exit at 40th Avenue West to Superior Street to 46th Avenue West, eventually merging back on to the Bong Bridge.
According to the details released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation shortly after the first notice - "[t]his ramp closure has been postponed to a yet to be determined date in the future. It's unclear as to what caused the postponement of this road work.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation reminds drivers that the summer of 2021 will see a large number of road construction projects. Drivers are cautioned to slow down, be observant, and drive with care inside of posted work zones. Those work zones with decreased speed limits come with accelerated fines for speed violations. MNDOT coordinates the road construction projects throughout the state. Click here to visit their website and to get up-to-the-minute updates on all of the projects on the schedule.
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