Thousands of volunteers are needed to dedicate time to “clean and green” of Duluth. More than 3,000 hours were documented last year

Coming to work every day I use Arlington Avenue, and over the past year it has been resurfaced and the final stages are complete. It's a great road now, smooth and a nice ride into work. Then yesterday I saw two people cleaning up the entire roadway on the side, tires, siding, etc and bags of trash. And with the nice rain and the sunshine, the sides of the road look great. The grass has started turning green, so I give big props to the two individuals cleaning up our roadways.

You see the signs on the road that say what organization is cleaning up the roadway. If you would like to be part of this you can register your project online. Or if you’d like to be one of the many volunteers needed for the 2016 season here’s the link below.

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