Two Named Rudy Perpich Public Service Award Recipients
Grandma’s Marathon has announced there are two recipients of its 2018 Rudy Perpich Public Service Award on Thursday, June 14th.
Named after the late Minnesota governor who was a strong supporter of the annual event, the award is given annually to up to three current or former public employees or elected officials. In 2006, Grandma's Marathon created the Rudy Perpich Public Service Award to recognize the many current or former public employees and elected officials who have exhibited dedication and service to the event.
Being recognized for their longtime contributions to Grandma's Marathon are former Duluth Police Officer William “Skip” Stovern, and Chief Administrative Officer for the city of Duluth, David Montgomery.
Stovern and Montgomery will receive their awards at a breakfast ceremony on Thursday, June 14 at 7:00 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel in Duluth.
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