The Ruth Free Store Helps Those In Need In The Twin Ports
We've been in a cold snap again in the Twin Ports this week and I can't imagine not having nice insulated gloves or even a heavy winter coat to help beat the weather.

Living in Superior, I drive right down Belknap most days and noticed a store that had "Free" right on their window and even some clothes outside. I did a Facebook search of The Ruth Free Store and was able to find out a little more about what they are and what they do.
The Ruth Free Store is exactly what the their name says, it's free. Individuals are able to shop for anything they might need at no cost, and also are able to leave items for others. What's great is the rack of clothes which is mostly jackets and the bins outside with hats and other winter wear are always left out for those in need no matter if the store is actually staffed and open.
I stopped in to drop off some extra jackets I've had in the closet for way too long and got a tour of their setup, which is pretty impressive. The Ruth Free Store has everything from the jackets and hats mentioned above to items like hygiene products, shirts, pants, shoes and boots, some dress closes, and even stuff for kids like toys.
Donations are accepted at the side door during their hours of staffed operation which are currently Monday-Saturday from 9AM-3PM. They are currently in desperate need of gloves, mittens, blankets and other colder weather items. Towels and washcloths also can really help the cause too.
Keep in mind that The Ruth Free Store does accept some household items along the lines of coffee pots and other various things for the kitchen, but they cannot accept furniture due to space limitations.
It's nice to see an establishment like this in the Twin Ports to help those in need, especially when the temps drop to what they have been recently. The Ruth Free Store is located at 1423 Belknap Street in Superior, WI and if you have any of the items mentioned above or anything you think could help others along those lines, please consider donating to the cause.
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