Bravo Target for realizing that kids in wheelchairs should have costume options not just for themselves but to doctor up their wheelchairs as well. Some kids are lucky enough to have very creative parents who are able to make their own cool designs, but for others this is a breath of fresh air.

Target recently released a sneak peek of their 2019 Halloween costumes and decorations and they have also included 2 costumes for kids that use a wheelchair to add to the costume they are wearing. As of right now they have a princess and a pirate costume to help really trick out their wheelchairs.

Photo: Hyde and Eek! Boutique™ at
Photo: Hyde and Eek! Boutique™ at


Both of the actual costumes are designed to make them accessible to get on and off and the decorations can be cut to size to fit a variety of sized wheelchairs. both of these costumes retail for $45 and you can find them at

Photo: Hyde and Eek! Boutique™ at
Photo: Hyde and Eek! Boutique™ at


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