People around Minnesota are already being pulled over as enforcement of the new 'hands free' cell phone law is enforced, and one of the early stories is a doozy.
We already have to deal with morons talking throughout the movie, or putting their feet on the back your seat. Now we get the blaring light from cell phones during the movie that we just got done spending $40 to go see and enjoy snacks.
Following the news of Madonna getting criticized for texting during a performance at the New York City Public Theater, along with an incident at a movie theater ba
How excited were you to take your driving test, pass it, and experience freedom by driving your friends to the Friday night football game. What if you HAD to text as part of your driving text and you failed miserably? This is the what these people did, watch what their instructor does while they are driving.
Everyone is having trouble finding a job. The old way of looking in the newspaper has gone by the wayside. Employers looking for good employees has been a tough find. A Seattle company called Jobaline wants to change that and they are using....texting. Everyone seems to be texting, why not use it to GET a job.
There are a number of apps available that help you or prevent you from doing something. This one is a good idea and seems to do what it says it will. Stop you from texting while you drive. Hopefully you have pledged not to text and drive, don't trust yourself? Then this is for you.
We've heard the story that it's so unsafe to drive and text. Surveys have shown it's worse than driving drunk. Have you seen the video of the woman who walks into a wishing pool at a mall because she is texting. The guy who fell in a man hole for texting and walking.
Being a teenager is a perilous time in one's life as a not-quite fully developed brain will cause the teen to make all kinds of questionable decisions.
Now thanks to a new phenomenon called sleep-texting, the teenager can even make these bad decisions while they are catching z's.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 1,200 people were treated in US emergency rooms last year after walking-related mishaps associated with handheld devices.
How many people have you seen walking, looking into their phone, not paying attention to anything around them? Are you one of those people? Turns out this behavior is more dangerous than you think.