If you ate at Arby's recently, you might want to check your credit card statement a little more closely. The company has announced that credit card data for more than 355,000 customers was included in a security breach that was accessed via malware on cash registers.
Heads up if you ate at the Duluth location of Noodles & Company sometime since the beginning of 2016: The Company has announced a security breach to their credit processing system that has affected numerous locations nationwide. The Duluth location is on that list.
The Minnesota Department of Revenue has received reports of at least one individual posing as an agent of the Department of Revenue, attempting to collect money fraudulently.
Duluth Police issued another press release warning people of internet, mail, and phone scams that are continuing after the holiday season. There is still one thing the Duluth Police and me personally want you to remember, if it's too good to be true, it is. There is something else to remember.
Inherent mistakes in the Social Security Administration's so-called "Master Death File" recently hit home with it's chief officer - resulting in a new call to fix the system.
Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue admitted Thursday that he, personally, has experienced "the horrible thing" Americans endure when the federal government falsely declares them dead...