"Holly Rock", includes a cartoon of Prince performing the single which almost keeps him alive.

The video includes cartoon incarnations of Prince throughout his career. Whoever did the production for this video got Prince's movements down and captures his essence.

The song was written with long-time drummer and collaborator, Sheila E., even though he gives her sole writing credits. It is the latest single to be released from the new "Originals" album that was released to celebrate Prince's Birthday last month.

The song was recorded the same week he did "Kiss" and could have been included on the "Parade" album which was the soundtrack for the Under The Cherry Moon. The Estate estimates it was recorded in Los Angeles in 1985 sometime.

These are songs that came out of the "Vault" discovery in Prince's home. The Estate said they could release a Prince album every year for the next 100 years with all the material, but some of it didn't make it and was lost. It was interesting to hear the demos for other people's music that Prince wrote, now what does the family do next with Prince's music?


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