Pledge Or Plunge, Special Olympics Minnesota Needs You
Polar Plunge weekend begins February 15th, and February 16th is the party and official jump day to raise money.
If you have wanted to be a part of the whole party but really didn't want to jump in the water, you can sign up for the "Too Chicken To Jump" category.
Friday begins with the Pre-Plunge Check-In at Grandma's Sportsgarden, get your team info, turn in money, get your team organized.
Then Saturday the 16th, the day begins with the Plunge 5k, then the big plunge, and an awards ceremony. All day long at the Sportsgarden, there will be things to do. Come and join the party, like we always say, pledge or plunge, but this year you can be a team and never touch the water.
The event is put on by Duluth law enforcement, and all the money raised goes to MN Special Olympics. There are prizes for teams raising the most money, prizes for best costumes, just a fun day. See the pictures on facebook. This year the guy to beat is Brandon Moe again.
The Jump begins at 2pm and Special Olympics wants to beat last years' record of $167,138