MNDOT To Hold Open House Mtg For Highway 23 Realignment-Bridge Replacement Project
The project to realign Highway 23 and replace the Mission Creek Bridge is back on a timeline and officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are holding a public meeting to share information and gather feedback from the general public. MNDOT has scheduled the meeting for Thursday, February 27 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Gary New Duluth Recreation Center: 801 101st Avenue West in Duluth.
During the meeting, project staff will be on hand to discuss the particulars of the realignment of Highway 23 and the bridge replacement. No formal presentation is planned; the meeting will operate under a "drop in" method.
To learn more about the Highway 23 realignment and Mission Creek Bridge replacement project, click here to visit MNDOT's online project page.