MNDOT Plans Light System Replacements For Duluth Area Starting May 31
Things will look a little brighter, a little clearer, and a little more safe in the next few weeks. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has plans to replace and upgrade a variety of highway lighting systems at multiple sites throughout the Northland - specifically in our district: northeastern Minnesota.
Drivers can expect to see work crews starting right after the Memorial Day Weekend break, on Tuesday, May 31.
According to details shared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the light replacement operation will start in Carlton County at I-35 and County Road 4 near Mahtowa. After that site is finished, workers will move to other sites located throughout northeastern Minnesota, working on replacements that are included on their task list.
While major impacts to drivers and traffic aren't expected, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is alerting drivers to be cautious, slow down, and exercise care when driving through these "pop-up" work zones. Motorists should expect to see workers and possible flagging operations on the ramps at I-35.
A specific timetable for this work project hasn't been issued. Like most outdoor road construction work, a variety of things can - and often do - impact any expected completion date - from the weather to other unforeseen obstacles.
For more details about this highway lighting replacement work or any of the road construction projects coordinate by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, visit the state agencies website. That's where you'll find a wide variety of information, with specific project pages for each site and other road and transportation-related information. MNDOT also provides real time traffic updates and conditions on their website as well.