Minnesota Named Best Drivers In The Country, Again
Who would have thought that with ice, snow, and other terrible conditions to drive in, Minnesota would have the best drivers?
According to bringmethenews.com, Minnesota took first for the fifth consecutive year. Wisconsin was a little lower at # 22, because they had the nation's fifth-highest drunk-driving fatality rate and that immediately lowered their score.
Wisconsin did have fewer potholes than Minnesota, but it seems the 10,000 lake state drivers took it in stride and knew how to drive around them.
The latest ranking comes from a survey compiling data from the Car Insurance Comparison, which used 3,000 data points from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) which used the following points:
- The fatality rate per every 100 million vehicle miles traveled
- Failure to obey traffic laws
- Careless driving – number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities per state
- Drunk driving – number of roadway deaths caused by drunk drivers
- Speeding – number of traffic fatalities caused by speeding
According to MnDOT's Office of Traffic Safety, there were 364 deaths on Minnesota roads in 2019. So far in 2020, there have been nine confirmed fatalities, which is 10 fewer than there were at the same point in 2019.