Minnesota Lawmakers Consider No More Snow Days For Schools
The tradition of Snow Days for Minnesota public school students may be coming to an end. State lawmakers are moving to consider legislation that would go away with up to 5 Snow Days each school year, replacing them with "E-Learning Days" instead.
The move would end the public school "dance" of cancelling school only to have to make the days up at the end of the school year.
If passed, the "E-Learning Days" would work like this: On days where the weather is treacherous, parents would be notified that the school would be closed at least two hours prior to the start of the school day. Then, students would be required to log on to an online website to carry out the curriculum for the day.
One obstacle to this plan would be the lack of high-speed internet in some areas and the lack of internet resources in some households; lawmakers would have to find solutions to these issues.
The whole idea of Snow Days (and the make up days that come from them) is interesting to me. My son attends a school where they don't have to make up Snow Days. School administration believes that unless the class gets behind in curriculum, why force students (and teachers) to sit and waste their time just to :make up" hours and days.
What do you think?