Member Of Norwegian Parliament To Visit Duluth
The City Of Duluth announced the arrival of Per Olaf Lundteigen who is a member of the Centre Party.
Lundteigen will visit Duluth from July 3-5 because his ancestors once made their home in Duluth. He will be visiting many locations in the United States and plans to go to Idaho after visiting our city.
He was born into farming and graduated with a degree in Agriculture, and that is all I could figure out from his facebook page, which is written in Norwegian.
According to the press release from the City of Duluth:
Lundteigen, 66, was first elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1993. He is a member of the Centre Party. He was elected to a second term in 2005, and has served in the Norwegian Parliament ever since, according to his online biography. According to his biography, he is currently a standing member of The Standing Committee of Labour and Social Affairs, the Credentials Committee and The Delegation to EFTA and EEA Parliamentary Committees.