Lake Nebagamon Fishery: New Management + New Direction
One of the Northland's popular lakes will see direction in just a few years. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is working to complete a new management plan for Lake Nebagamon which will be put into effect once its finished. Tied to that process is an ongoing survey.
As part of the process, the Nebagamon Lake Association has sponsored a meeting for the general public to get updates, ask questions, and provide commentary. The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, August 26 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Lake Nebagamon Auditorium. 11596 Waterfront Drive. DNR Fisheries Biologist Zach Lawson will be on hand to coordinate the meeting.
According to details released by the Superior Telegram, the survey that is currently underway is helping the agency index the interest in the Lake Nabagamon Fishery. Once the survey is finished - at some point in October - the results and data derived from it will be used to draft the new management plan - balancing "what kind of fishing anglers want to see and what is biologically sustainable in the lake".
Those results will be consolidated into the eventual management plan. The agency will spend the next year working through those details with an eye towards a final draft of the management plan being ready for public review "in late 2022".

Located next to the community that shares its name, Lake Nebagamon is a 986 acre lake with a maximum depth of 56 feet. Inventoried fish in the lake include panfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, Northern Pike, Trout, and Walleye. There is a public boat landing available for sportsmen.