How Much Is Your Stuff Worth? Find Out
Comedian George Carlin used to have a bit where he talked about putting his stuff somewhere.
He said the only reason we buy a bigger house is not that we have a growing family, it's because we need a bigger place to put our stuff. He also mentions that's why we have a storage unit, so we have another place to put our stuff so we don't have to keep it at home.
Sometimes your stuff is worth money, and the St. Louis County Historical Society is putting on another Antique Appraisal March 18th, and arranged for Denny Mager of Northern Specialty, an expert in antique appraisal, to look over your stuff and see if it's worth money. He will be there from noon to 3 at the Depot. You must be there by 2:30 pm in order to get your stuff looked at.
Each person may bring two things to be looked at and evaluated. If it's too large or you are worried about it breaking. Please bring a picture of it, as many of every angle as you can including marks, scratches, and identifying labels.
There will be Arco Coffee served while you wait.
Warning, there is some language in the video.